trouble installing
Published on August 5, 2005 By Bichur In Windows XP
I had an issue with netframework1.1. I contacted MS Support... but they operate when I not home and I've been doing this through email. They sent me a cleanup tool which removed netframework. They gave me 3 links: 1)netframework1.1 2)Service Pack 1 - KB867460-X86.exe 3)SU for nfw1.1, service pack 1, KB886903.
I can't get #2 installed.

I get an error message:

which changes each time I try it.

After cleaning it all up again. running CCleaner & Ace Util, rebooting & then reinstalling netframework & rebooting - I went to windows update and just 'looked'.
It told me item #2 was already downloaded and ready to be installed, which leads me to the error messag above.

Anybody got any suggestions (other than switch to MAC/Linux/etc)?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 05, 2005
Try this:
on Aug 05, 2005
Do I need to run the cleanup and get rid of 1.1 1st? I'm guessing yes.
Once installed, I won't need my above items 2 & 3 , yes?
on Aug 05, 2005
Yes..get rid of 1.1. If you're of the mind to keep 1.1, then review this:;en-us;889109 If you go with 2.0 then all the updates come with it.
on Aug 05, 2005
Since yraq is on it, I will just leave the knowledge base article discussing and explaining manual removal and reinstall or repair of .NET framework 1.1.

Just for studying - not for using in place of yraq's fixes. Link
on Aug 05, 2005
Microsoft cannot guarantee that you can solve problems that result from using Registry Editor incorrectly.

You da man Yrag. Gonna run the cleanup 1st thing. give the 2.0 a shot. (I already know I have to multply their estimated download time by a factor of the sun's energy output)

Corky O - thanks.
on Aug 05, 2005
gotta another question while I'm waiting on the download...

The netframework created that 'hidden' user account [ Machine A... limited, password protected]

do I need to delete that also?
on Aug 05, 2005's been so long I can't remember. I'm fairly certain that I could (and did) delete it as soon as the 1.1 install was done. In this case (installing 2.0) get rid of it prior to installing.
on Aug 05, 2005
okey dokey (i already did... I had deleted it yesterday - didn't know where it came from - noticed it was recreated when i reinstalled 1.1...figured 2.0 should be able to do the same).

What's it for? and why did you delete after the install?
on Aug 06, 2005
As I remember, It was an MS is used by developers and there should have been a prompt to not install it unless you wanted it. The 1.1 service pack update fixed it and it was rightfully relegated to the ASP developer's section. Since you didn't get that far with your 1.1 update ( ) you had to manually dump won't see it again.
on Aug 06, 2005
cool -- thanks for the info.

50% downloaded!
on Aug 06, 2005
You need to buy a house without a 900' waterline........
on Aug 06, 2005
don't forget the 1/2 mile of phone line!

think i should go satellite?
on Aug 06, 2005
think i should go satellite?

I believe it's already been proven that the Post Office is better then what you have......

Put a tin hat on and float a kite and see what happens.
on Aug 06, 2005
Not if you get a lot of rain. From what I hear it's almost useless during a storm. I assume you've already looked at DSL. It might be worth it to ask the phone company how much it would cost to get it out to you.
on Aug 06, 2005
It might be worth it to ask the phone company how much it would cost to get it out to you.

naw, just the phone line cost enough as it was - closest DSL tie in point I believe is about 10 miles from me.
I already have dish for tv, was either that or 4 airwave channels, so I know about the storms.

still considering it though.. phone company won't even give us a future estimate of a possible when (ya hear me griping Ma?) oh well

crap! lost my download
gotta start over
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