How Can I Fix It?
Published on October 27, 2005 By Bichur In WindowBlinds
I had/have Webblinds. Had it for a couple of years. I liked the little spinning SD Cube. Been using FF for quite a while now, so hadn't paid that much attention to IE. Was reading some comments and somebody mentioned a throbber on a skin and now I can't figure out how to get the throbber in the skins to work. I've set Webblinds to the default throbber. I uninstalled Webblinds. All I get is the ugly black rectangle. Doesn't matter which skin so far (I have quite a list to try).

How can I fix this?

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on Oct 29, 2005
on Oct 29, 2005
[Sleeping Dragon]
I think her point being she will not comment, but of course has to look

Yep, 3 far

[Nicked Blade]
i would be happy if my throbber got enough attention to find out its not working

Well it would if you opened your browser more often

But then......maybe I'm on a different wavelength
on Oct 29, 2005
i open firefox all the time!
on Oct 29, 2005
Wondering how many people are here with broken throbers ... ...

just wondering
on Oct 29, 2005
Well I decided to refrain from tweaking it, to see it that will help. nope

TweakUI now uninstalled.

Thanks to everyone so far that's looked at my throbber and not said mean things. Kinda helps make the shame go away.

A support group for broken throbbers? I can see it now. People sitting around going: "You should have seen my Throbber. You had to take notice, I mean it was visible. Used to be a time I could make it do anything. Change colors, spin, swing back and forth, shrink and grow, pulsate, anything. People used to crowd around my cubicle just for a glimpse."

Guess I'll play with it some more.

on Oct 29, 2005
My throber isn't broke, just removed!
on Oct 30, 2005

Guess I'll play with it some more. sure to make an appointment with the optometrist, then. Prolonged play can be a detriment to your sight, so we're told
on Oct 30, 2005
When you see the words 'Bichur' and 'throbber' together, you assume the worst...
on Oct 30, 2005
[Fuzzy Logic]
When you see the words 'Bichur' and 'throbber' together, you assume the worst...

That depends on your views, I guess

Personally, I think all internet users should take the time to respectfully get acquainted with their throbber.
on Oct 30, 2005
Personally, I think all internet users should take the time to respectfully get acquainted with their throbber.

I hear that there are sites specifically designed for that.
My neice downloaded some free music and got throbber support along with it.
on Oct 30, 2005

No link?
on Oct 30, 2005
My sister wouldn't say. Everytime computors come up she repeats the story. Geri downloaded some music and there it was. She's 18 and I don't think she needs throbber support. Maybe a throb blocker. Might help with subscriptions if WC offered free throbber support. Just an idea, a bad one but an idea to go along with all the others that have come up from the freeloaders.
on Oct 30, 2005
Thanks to everyone so far that's looked at my throbber and not said mean things. Kinda helps make the shame go away

Dont be so sensitive about your throbber Bichur,just remember, no matter what anyone thinks or one can ever have as much fun with your throbber as you can....
on Oct 30, 2005
on Oct 30, 2005
I took my throbber out for a walk. It needed some air. It's amazing how some people respond to a man walking down the street with his throbber. One lady even screamed. Another followed me. All in all, my throbber has caused me more trouble than anything else. Oh sure, there are times when my throbber behaves very well and can be in any sort of company without anyone so much as noticing it is there; but there are also times when it is overactive and can cause quite a stir. I did puchase some throbber support the other day to prevent any more mishaps. 2Xist was the manufacturer of the software, I believe. Here is the link, Sir Bichur

I also realize that there are times when my throbber posts on forums might get me in trouble, so if this needs to be moderated, allow me to say before hand that I take no offense. I simply wanted to offer some emotional support to all of those who have throbber issues. You are not alone. After all is said and done, there is more said than done, and I am very happy with my throbber.

Disclaimer: This post by Sleeping Dragon in no way represents the views and/or opinions of Wincustomize or Stardock or any of their employees, nor is it a representation of the best way to reply to another on a forum of any sort. It is merely the ramblings of one man who is messed up by the time change and ate too much Chinese food for dinner. The author is also using the WC browser for the first time and needed to post somewhere to see if the lizard pops up. I took my lizard for a walk today....
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